Fire brigade chief Anil Mahajan said on Friday that 90 per cent of the hospitals in the city did not comply with the fire norms prescribed in the Maharashtra Fire Act. These include the Nashik Municipal Corporation's Bytco Hospital, Indira Gandhi Hospital, Zakir Hussain Hospital and the state's Civil Hospital, Mahajan said at a mock fire fighting drill conducted at Wockhardt Hospital.
He said Wockhardt was the first in the city to be issued a no objection certificate in 2012 and the fire department will be checking every hospital within its limits to ensure that they all comply with the norms prescribed under the Maharashtra Fire Act. Mahajan said the department would send a report to the state government on the hospitals that do not comply with the norms. However, the fire officer can also exercise his special rights under the Maharashtra Fire Act to seal a hospital violating the norms, he said.
Mahajan said said as per the Maharashtra Life Safety and Fire Prevention Act, special category buildings like the assembly and institutional buildings like hospitals, cinema halls, wedding halls should have a main entrance that shall have adequate width to allow easy access to the fire engine and in no case it shall measure less than 4.5 metres.
On the main street, buildings should not be less than 12m apart and one end of the street should join another of the same width. Further the approach to the building and open spaces on all its sides should be at least 6 metres wide. Open spaces shall be kept free of obstructions and shall be motorable. Meanwhile, he said the act also says that the built up area of hospitals, maternity homes and health centres shall not be more than 1/3 of the area of the plot and the maximum FSI should be one. Against the backdrop of the fire incident in Kolkata last month, the fire department has issued notices to many hospitals in the city.
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