Monsoon diseases: Beware and Take Precautions

Monsoon Dangers … beware and Take Precaution.

Here are some monsoon diseases that already affecting people in the city :

Leptospirosis major cause of concern when areas get flooded:

Leptospirosis is the infection caused by the bacterium Leptospira. It is usually spread through urine and faeces of rats and dogs and it is especially rats when it is flooded. When rats pass stool or urine in water and if a person happens to go through that water and has some open wounds in the leg the chances of getting leptospirosis are very high. Those who work in water areas and garbage collection are most affected like Farmers, Sewer maintenance workers, sailors on rivers, waste disposal workers.  Disease is treated with antibiotics – doxycycline or penicillin. In some cases, intravenous antibiotics are also used. “

Signs and symptoms of Leptospirosis

 •High fever
 •Intense headache
 •Abdominal pain
 •Conjunctival suffusion
 •Muscle aches
 •Skin rash

 Tips to prevent Leptospirosis

 •Avoid walking through flooded streets because the moment you do so the chances of getting infections are there especially if you have any wound in your feet. If you had to walk through a flooded area, then immediately on reaching home wash your feet with soap and water and if you have any cuts it is better to take antibiotics.
 •Cover cuts/wounds with waterproof bandages.
 •Whenever you have fever especially in the monsoon you should always approach a doctor and not ignore it considering a regular cough and cold.

People suffering from back pain have increased in the last five years and in the monsoon potholes are a leading cause for the health issue. Potholes and haphazardly placed speed breakers of all shapes and sizes on city streets have become a health hazard for two-wheeler riders.

From cuts and bruises, wounds and a visit to the emergency room to serious and chronic back and neck-related complications and even fractures, potholes have become an imminent threat for those on the road.  jerks over bumps can cause backaches, slip-disc and even knee related pains.
 Every Drivers should exercise caution when riding on slippery roads or potholed stretches and identify areas where road conditions are bad and avoid the same. 

Monsoons just hitting Mumbai and hospitals are already seeing dengue cases are on the rise. Dengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of an Aedes  Aegypti mosquito, which is already infected with the virus.
The primary symptoms of dengue appear three to 15 days after the mosquito bite which includes — high fever, severe headache, severe pain behind the eyes that is apparent when trying to move the eyes, joint pain, and rashes. After the city experienced rain, the water collected in the potholes have become the breeding ground for mosquitoes, leading to the fear of another dengue outbreak.

Dengue Preventive Tips:
#1: Turn over empty pails and buckets, so that they do not collect excess water. 
#2:Clean out empty flower pots and not to over water potted plants. It is advised to not have any stagnant water around as it acts as breeding ground for the mosquitoes.
#3: Apply mosquito repellents on all exposed areas, during the day as well as at night on a regular basis to prevent dengue.
#4: Make sure your window and door screens do not have any holes. If so, block those areas properly to eliminate mosquitoes.
#6: Always sleep under a mosquito net
#7: If you use a cooler remember to empty out and clean the water tray regularly,
#8: Always cover your trash can or dustbin when not in use.
