Iron Deficient, Anaemic : Know How?

A person is said to be suffering from Anaemia when the body’s blood is unable to carry oxygen efficiently. It is a must that patients get their haemoglobinlevels checked often. Haemoglobin is the pigment that carries oxygen in the body and it is also a protein, predominantly found in the red blood cells. Patients of Anaemia have very less or an abnormal amount of red blood cell count, i.e. their hemoglobin level is very low, an indication that the body cells are not getting enough oxygen.

What are the common causes?
The most common cause of Anaemia is Iron deficiency. The other probable causes are folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin Deficiencies, chronic inflammation, parasitic infections, and inherited disorders.

What are the symptoms of Anaemia?

Ø  Pale skin tone
Ø  Appetite loss
Ø  A frequent or a constant headache
Ø  Regularly constipation
Ø  Shortness of breath
Ø  Experiencing extreme chills occasionally
Ø  Feeling depressed, weak and dizzy

Causes of Anaemia:

Anaemia caused by loss of blood: This is a common occurrence in women who experience pregnancy and menstruation. Other causes are ulcers and inflammation in the stomach, and even cancer.

Anaemia caused by the decrease in red blood cells: This type of Anaemia is caused due to sickle-shaped red blood cells in the body or due to bone marrow or iron deficiencies or vitamin deficiency. Lifestyle is a major indicator of this type of Anaemia.

Anaemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells: This is a type of Anaemia that is passed on from generation to generation. It can be caused by severe hypertension, tumors, infections or reaction to skin burns or even a chemical attack.

What is diagnosis and treatment of anaemia?

It is important to get a thorough diagnosis and know the type of Anaemia.
A routine complete blood count will estimate you Haemoglobin levels and will help you identify the level of anaemia.

The normal range for haemoglobin is: For men, 13.5 to 17.5 grams per deciliter.
 For women, 12.0 to 15.5 grams per deciliter

A person is suffering from to make changes in their lifestyle, food habits and medication. It is important to visit a doctor and seek clarity. Lifestyle modification and a healthy diet are a must.
Treatment depends on the underlying diagnosis. Iron supplements can be used for iron deficiency. Vitamin B supplements may be used for low vitamin levels. Blood transfusions can be used for blood loss. Medication to induce blood formation may be used if the body’s blood production is reduced.
If you are having the following symptoms and need to assess you blood profile, visit Wockhardt hospital and book a complete Preventive Health Check-up to evaluate your health status today.
