Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes in your body. Some can be alarming and some just
can be tedious for you. Coping with these minor disorders and managing them is vital. Understanding
danger signs and when to consult your doctor is also vital for you and baby's
safety. Here are some common areas of concern and common problems faced by
woman during their pregnancy,
Nausea & Vomiting-
between 4-6 weeks gestation
- hormonal influences: hcg, progesterone, estrogen.
- emotional factors like tension.
- adequate
rest and relaxation.
- eating small six meals a day rather than
three large meals.
- solid food tolerated better than liquid
food like: crackers or piece of dry toast.
- carbohydrate snacks at bedtime can
prevent hypoglycemia which cause nausea & vomiting.
Food should not have a strong odor, should not be either very hot or very cold,
and fried or greasy foods should be avoided.
•Avoid food or smells that
exacerbate condition.
•Eat dry crackers or toast before
rising in morning.
• Eat small, frequent meals.
•Avoid sudden movements. Get out of
bed slowly
•Breath fresh air to help relieve
- progesterone hormone relaxes the cardiac
sphincter of the stomach and allows reflex or bubbling back of gastric contents
into the esophagus.
- the pressure of the growing uterus on the
stomach from about 30-40 weeks.
- avoid
lying flat.
- sleeping with more pillows and lying on
the right side.
- small frequent meals.
- take antacids.
- taking baking soda in a glass of water is
contraindicated because of the possibility of retention of sodium and
subsequent edema
fried ,spicy, and fatty food
citrus juices
Eat small, more frequent meals.
Use antacids.
Avoid overeating and spicy foods.
}It may be due to increased lordosis during pregnancy in an effort to balance the body.
}•The pregnancy hormones sometimes soften the ligaments to such a degree that some support is needed.
Backachemay be due to muscular fatigue and strain that accompany poor body balance.
- exercise.
- sit with knee slightly higher than the
pregnant woman is reassured that once birth has occurred, the ligaments will
return to their pre-pregnant strength
Urinary Frequency
Occur due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder.
problem will resolved when the uterus rises into the abdomen after the 12th
exercises are some times recommended to help maintain the bladder.
fluid intake at night.
fluid intake during day.
when feel the urge.
- intestinal motility decreased during pregnancy as a result of progesterone.
- iron supplements.
- the food should have amount of fruit &
green vegetables which contain fibers.
- drinking a lot of water.
- exercise & walking.
- laxatives could prescribed by physician.
Rest frequently
Go to bed early
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