Tips for Healthy Heart

Maintain a Healthy Weight:

One of the most important factors in avoiding cardiovascular disease is through maintaining a healthy weight. Do a body mass index (BMI) to evaluate your weight. Individuals with an unhealthy BMI and large waist should meet a dietitian who can advise on how to healthily lower and reduce the risk factor for heart diseases.

Reduce Your Salt Intake:

There are many risks associated with excessive salt intake, including raised blood pressure, and increased risk in both cardiovascular diseases and strokes, Cut back on salt diet and processed foods.

Two of the biggest dietary contributors to heart disease risk are sugars and saturated fats. They lead to weight gain, increased blood pressure, and therefore overall raised risk of heart disease. However, reducing these levels can reduce the risk factors.

Eating foods with Omega -3 fatty acids:

Fish are an important element of a healthy diet as they contain vital nutrients called Omega-3 fatty acids, which have numerous benefits including lowering cholesterol and resulting in a healthy heart.  Nuts are a good source for the same.

Manage Your Stress Levels:

Stress can not only affect your mental health, but it can also have an indirect effect on the heart. Increased stress commonly increases drinking, unhealthy diets, and other poor lifestyle choices, which lead to increased cholesterol, BMI and blood pressure. Therefore, it is important to regulate stress levels and ensure a healthy lifestyle.

Address and Understand Your Mind :

Mental health itself is also a major risk factor contributing to heart disease risk. Therefore, it is important to address and get proper guidance or counselling for mental issues to maintain a healthy social life and well-being. Practice yoga and meditation.

Exercise as part of daily routine:     

Make exercise part of your daily routine as a destress technique, to lose weight and increase the pumping action of your heart. Keep fit and improve your heart activity too.

One of the most important risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases is smoking and use of nicotine. Quit smoking for a better quality of life and heart.

Get a health check-up regularly:

Regular check-ups   can not only be a preventive measure but also spot the risk factors associated with acquiring heart disease. The can evaluate y weight, BMI, waist size, blood sugar levels, pressure and cholesterol level. Monitoring these measurements could help identify possible risk of heart disease and allow early intervention, thereby improving patient prognosis.

To know more about heart disease, its prevention and cure visit WockhardtHospital.
