What is Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Symptoms?

There are 17 million people across the world living with cerebral palsy (CP). Another 350 million people are closely connected to a child or adult with CP. It is the most common physical disability in childhood. CP is a permanent disability that affects movement. Its impact can range from a weakness in one hand, to almost a complete lack of voluntary movement.
Ø  It is a complex disability:
Ø  1 in 4 children with CP cannot talk
Ø  1 in 4 cannot walk
Ø  1 in 2 have an intellectual disability
Ø  1 in 4 have epilepsy.
Ø  CP is a lifelong disability and there is no known cure.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy(CP) is the most common motor and movement disability of childhood. It is a neurological condition caused by brain damage.
As an umbrella term, cerebralpalsy really refers to a group of symptoms and disabilities. They are all related but each child will have a unique and individual experience of cerebral palsy.

What Causes Cerebral Palsy?

Brain damage is the cause of CP, but there are many different things that may trigger that damage. For this reason the exact cause of cerebral palsy can’t always be determined.
Possibilities include:
Ø  Poor brain development in the womb
Ø  Maternal infections or medical conditions
Ø  Disruption of blood flow to the developing brain
Ø  Genetic conditions
Ø  Ingestion of toxins or drugs during pregnancy
Ø  Damage to the head or skull during delivery
Ø  Complications related to premature delivery

What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy:

Ø  Variations in muscle tone, such as being either too stiff or too floppy.
Ø  Stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes (spasticity)
Ø  Stiff muscles with normal reflexes (rigidity)
Ø  Lack of muscle coordination (ataxia)
Ø  Tremors or involuntary movements.
Ø  Slow, writhing movements (athetosis)

Some of the potential issues a child with cerebral palsy may face include

Ø  Movement and walking disabilities
Ø  Speech difficulties
Ø  Learning disabilities
Ø  Cognitive impairments
Ø  Hearing or vision loss
Ø  Epilepsy
Ø  Emotional and behavioral challenges
Ø  Spinal deformities
Ø  Joint problems

How can I as a parent see the signs of cerebral palsy?

Ø  Delays in movements and motor skills, such as holding head up, rolling over, sitting, crawling, and walking
Ø  Body parts that are too stiff or floppy
Ø  Favoring one side of the body
Ø  Scooting on the bottom instead of crawling
Ø  Inability to stand, even with support

Can Cerebral Palsy Be Prevented?

There is no foo lproof way to prevent CP, but there are steps you can take to lower the risk:
Ø  Before pregnancy, eat well and have any pre-existing medical problems under control.
Ø  While pregnant, continue with these healthy habits and take recommended pre-natal vitamins.
Ø  See your obstetrician for regular checkups throughout pregnancy.
Ø  Get screened for potential complications.

What is the treatment of cerebral palsy ?

Various medications help control spastic movements, seizures, relieve pain, and manage other symptoms and related conditions.
Surgical procedures may improve mobility or manage pain. Common procedures include tendon or muscle release, the repair of hip dislocations, and scoliosis surgery.
Therapies include motor, speech and behavioral.

What is the Life Expectancy for Cerebral Palsy?

Many children diagnosed with cerebral palsy have the same life expectancy as any other.
While CP does not usually shorten life expectancy, it does require early intervention and good medical care for the best outcomes. This is especially true for those with severe disabilities.
In case you are observing any signs symptom in your child please contact our paediatrics  department at Wockhardt Hospital for further evaluation  and management.
