A person with an impulse control disorder is often unable to resist the sudden, forceful urge to do something that may violate the rights of others or bring about conflict with societal norms.
These impulsive behaviours may
occur repeatedly, quickly and without consideration of the consequences of that
What are the signs and symptoms?
symptoms: For example, stealing, lying, starting fires, risky or promiscuous
behaviour, and aggressive or volatile behaviours.
symptoms: Obsessive behaviour, being irritable or agitated, flying into a rage,
and poor concentration abilities.
and emotional symptoms that often show up as low self-esteem, being socially
withdrawn or isolated, seeming detached and/or anxious, experiencing drastic
shifts in mood.
Some common causes include lack of sleep can be another reason for impulsive behaviour, as can stress and
frustration. When kids are struggling with something in school or in everyday
life, they may act out. . One of the most common causes of frequent impulsive
behaviour is ADHD.
Types of Disorder include:
explosive disorder.
Treatment of this impulse
disorder often includes addressing any underlying mental illness
Cognitive behavioural therapy techniques have also been utilized.
Individuals with the intermittent
explosive disorder may benefit from treatment that includes both medication and
cognitive behavioural therapy.
Lithium, anti-epileptics, and
opined antagonist medications have shown promise in certain circumstances.
Keep in mind that there are other
impulse control disorders besides the ones described above. There are also many
other signs and symptoms that may reflect these conditions. A trained psychiatrist
or counselor can provide a full evaluation, explanation, as
well as a comprehensive treatment program that builds and strengthens accepted
social skills. For example, a therapist may choose to focus on problem-solving,
ways to look at the bigger picture to help you overcome a fixation with instant
gratification, and strategies to curb impulses through techniques that help
develop better self-control.
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