Medical Tests which needs to be taken before Marriage

There is one very important thing both bride and groom need to get done before D-Day.

Medical check-ups are not only advised, but a must do for a happy and healthy married life.  

Knowing your intended partner’s health doesn’t imply that the marriage itself is on troubled grounds. But it will enable you to take proper medical care if required.

Here are 4 tests you should do before your marriage.

1)      HIV and other sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) tests:
HIV, hepatitis B and C are conditions that last lifelong and if not properly managed, can strain the marriage.
Other STDs tests for e.g. gonorrhea, syphilis, bacterial vaginosis and warts can be treated with proper medical care. This will reduce the risk of infertility and miscarriages.

2)      Blood Group compatibility test
Blood groups need to be compatible with each other to avoid problems during pregnancy like the Rhesus disease. It is a condition where antibodies in a pregnant woman's blood destroy her baby's blood cells. Women with rhesus negative blood group married to rhesus positive husbands have a greater chance of rhesus incompatibility where the growing fetus takes after the father in blood group causing this problem, and leading to intrauterine death and miscarriages.

3)      Fertility test
This is essential as these issues can then be addressed as early as possible without causing the unnecessary biological, psychological, social and emotional trauma one associates with barrenness.

4)      Genetic or chronic medical conditions testing
Early testing allows couples seek medical care before the medical conditions gets to its terminal stage. This test depends on the region and the common chronic/genetic condition seen in that society like thalassemia. However, this test should include screening for diabetes, test for hypertension, certain cancers kidney disease and test for thalassemia, amongst any others you feel need done.
